Arco di Tito

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It was erected by Domitian in honor of his father Vespasian and brother Titus, starting from 81 A.D. He wanted particularly celebrate their victories in the Judaean War and conquering of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 A.D. Thus this monument could be considered as an exceptional historical proof of the beginning of the "Jewish question". Tradition says that not even one Jew ever passed under the arch, unwilling to pay homage to those, who destroyed their temple. Two very worn relieves represent Rome guiding the Imperial quadriga with Titus and Victory; and the other   shows the triumphal procession bringing the spoils from Jerusalem. In the center of the panelled vault is the Apotheosis of Titus, who is mounting the eagle. The arch is 15m high and 13.5m large.
During the Middle Ages the arch was incorporated into the fortress of the Frangipane.
In 1821 G.Valadier was cleaned from the constructions which grew over and around it. It was one of the subjects of Pius VII's program in favor of the ancient monuments.